How to create a personal page with GitHub

This is a step-by-step tutorial of how to set up a personal web page. You will need the following:


    Internet Access

    Internet Browser (i.e. google chrome)

The turorial is comprised of 2 parts: Creating and storing the files for your webpage; and uploading your website to a server.

Start by creating a directory somewhere easy to find, (i.e. desktop), and name it something like “web-projects”. (Note: a “directory” is the coding term for folder on a computer).

Folder on a desktop named 'web-projects'

We will use this directory to store everything that will be on your website. For now, add a profile picture to this directory

It’s time to start coding.

For this you will need to open VSC. (Visual Studio Code: download)

If you don’t already have VSC, click the link above and follow the instructions to download and install the software.

Open VSC and click

    New file

    Text file 'Built-in

    fill with template

    html doc

You should have a screen that looks something like this.

VSC's html code template

Proceed to fill in your title name (this will be what is displayed on your Tab bar). Once this is completed enter the following text in the space below ""

VSC code for heading and image insertion

Note: make sure all the spelling/punctuation of the file names are exact and correspond with the files/directories created earlier.

Now its time to save our work and officially create our html file.

Click save as and navigate to the directory you made earlier. Save the file name is “index.html”.

save file 'index.html'

Once this is done, we can test our code by clicking on the “Run and Debug icon on the left of your VSC window.

VSC debug window next to open file browser

Note: If something doesn't work, check for typos, including punctuation

To learn more about the components of html visit MDN, HTML basics

Now that our files are complete, we are ready to upload to an online server.

Open GitHub and follow the instructions to create your online profile.

Now that you have a profile you will need to create a repository. (Note: This is what you will type into the browser)

    1. Click on the round icon on the top right of your window containing your avatar (this will be patterns if you are just logging in for the first time).

    Github home screen

    2. Select “Your repositories” from the dropdown list.

    3. Click on the green “New” button.

    4. Enter a repository name, then “Create Repository”.

    github create repository screen

    5. Choose “upload an existing file.”

    Open up your "web-projects" folder that you created earlier, then drag and drop the index.html and the profile picture into the box.

    Finalise your webpage by pressing the "Commit Repository” button towards the bottom of the screen.

You can now test your personal webpage by typing your repository from earlier into the browser.

URL Search browser
Congradulations. You have the building blocks to your personal webpage.

Follow the link to MDN's CSS Basics to start organising and adding style to you page